GB No. 1, autumn 1989

Below we publish the news about the congress of the Greens' Federation. This party is more radical then the Polish Greens' Party.


The congress of the Greens' Federation took place from June 30 till July 2, 1989 at Kościuszki near Szczecin. We talked on social and political changes in the modern world and Poland, about the political, legal conditions and about the technical means of the activity of our federation. We talked our ideas and rules of activity over again.

The congress introduced some alterations to the declaration "Our Rules" and to the antistatutes of the Federation and moreover issued four documents:

  1. "A LETTER TO THE PEOPLE" in which we express our hope that the beautiful and worth of supporting process of breaking the frontiers among the countries and regaining the subjectivity throughout the society of the world shall take place without the bloodshed and breaking laws of another communities.
  2. "THE RESOLUTION OF THE CONGRESS OF THE GREENS' FEDERATION ON THE POLITICAL SYSTEM OF POLISH PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC" in which we state that comunism (as the uglier face of the industrial civilization) is responsible for poisoning Poland and we ask comunists to stop "improving" the world and left it to the autonomic local comunities.
  3. "THE RESOLUTION OF THE CONGRESS OF THE GREENS' FEDERATION ON THE ARMY, MILITARY SERVICE ETC." in which we put into words minimum program considering the changes we expect in the army, militia, Security Service, Civil Defence and Voluntary Troops of Civil Militia till 1990.
  4. "THE OPEN LETTER TO MEMBERS OF THE LOVER AND UPPER HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT, REPRESENTATIVES OF SOLIDARITY" in which we state that the right to political activity cannot be reglamented by anybody and must include nontraditional political bodies such as proceedings from the ranks movements without structures and leaders, federations of autonomic groups etc. We also express our views on so called leading or managing part. (It's about the leading part played by communist party according to Polish constitu- tion- note by the editor.)

The Congress of the Greens' Federation

GB No. 1, autumn 1989 | Contents