GB No. 3(18)/95

The Second Round

"The Parsęta Cascade". This was the title of my article published in the Zielone Brygady over a year ago. I included there some information concerning the planned building of the cascade and I appealed to the Readers to send me any further data on the subject. The year passed and I did not receive any response. The Parsęta issue remained untouched in Zielone Brygady, not even in a few lines devoted to the problem. Therefore I would like to supplement the previous article myself. A perfect opportunity for doing so is an open letter by the Parsęta Lovers Association published in this year's third issue of the Przyroda Polska. As the letter is informative and straight to the point I believe it deserves publishing as a whole. To focus your attention on certain aspects I typed some fragments in bold.

I hope that the appeal for help conveyed by the letter will not remain unanswered and our numerous professional pro-environmental organisations and institutions as well as sponsors will react to it quickly.

I also believe that Members of Parliament participating in commissions for environmental protection will make the effort of travelling to the above-mentioned place, study the problem and they will declare for nature conservation and not for hydroengineering.

Let the eco-experts do what they are paid for.

Stanisław Zubek

GB No. 3(18)/95 | Contents