GB No. 3, winter 1990/91


Roztoczański National Park (in cluding Zwierzyniec - a small town established by the chancellor of Po land - Jan Zamojski, as his summer residence in the 16th century. At present this town belongs to the most attractive ones in south-east part of Poland) is set on the forth or fifth position as far as flora and fauna are concerned, in fact only a few places in Europe have such a rich beach - and fir-tree forest.

Roztoczański National Park came into being in 1974. But two years later a railway trunk-line (LHS) was built and used to transport sulphur and metallurgic products to or from the USSR. This line crosses the Natio- nal Park and the protective area over a distance of about 20 km.

This fact cost a great number of protects but they were not effective. For example a group of scientists with prof. A. Tyszka in charge made a report in which they showed how bad the LHS-line would influence on environment and future national economy.

But as I've already remarked the protests were not effective. The Ministry of Transport and the Polish Rail-\An ways spread the rumour that the Russian government wanted the LHS-line to be built on that territory.

They also pressed people who were fighting against the LHS-line, for instance prof. Tyszka had some problems in his place of work.

As a matter of fact this investition is also discordant with the con-\Ae stitution of Poland and the ecological law (resolution of the cabinet 4th of June, 1949 about national parks).

The consequences of this thoughtless investition are horrifying:

  1. The National Park is divided in two pieces.
  2. The number of pollutions (sulphur and carbon combination increases).
  3. A lot of old fir-trees have died in the last few years.
  4. The noise is getting more and more arduous (more then 80 dB).
  5. The water system changes.
  6. Zwierzyniec cannot be used as a place to rest (the LHS-line crosses this town).
  7. The existence Roztoczański National Park is brought in question.

I must add that the Ministry of Transport pressed by the public opinion declared that this line was temporary (7th of May, 1981) but it was only a declaration. On 27th of January, 1989 the chairman of the League for the Preservation of Nature relived promised electrification of the LHSline. Most people think it's good but in fact it is not. If the railway is modern and efficient - more trains can go this way.

And now we have to ask one question: what can be done to save this valuable region? The answer is however simple: a group of specialists should start to work on a new line around Roztoczański National Park at once. It has not been totally ruined yet so we have to do everything to save it.

The Park can also be a source of money for it is very interesting for tourists and people connected with ecological movement. They are ready to help in moving the LHS-line somewhere else.

Włodzimierz Mastaliński
Gołębia 2/6, Kraków

ZB no. 3(9)/90

GB No. 3, winter 1990/91 | Contents