GB No. 5-6, summer-fall 1991



The World Without War Council has published a paper "WOLNOŚĆ I POKÓJ (WiP) - Documents of Poland's 'Freedom and Peace' Movement". (91 pp.)

"Wolność i Pokój" was founded April 14, 1985 in Cracow to "restore moral and political values to peace activities." The movement soon grew to over 500 activists to become the largest independent peace movement east of Elbe. Their goals included changing the military oath which required every Polish soldier to pledge loyalty to the Soviet Union and legalization of the right of alternative civilian service for conscientious objectors. Incredibly, both objectives were achieved. "Wolność i Pokój", or "WiP" as it is commonly known, also organized campaigns against nuclear plants, polluting steelworks, and toxic waste. Lately it acts against the water-dam project in the Pieniny mountains.

The publication of WWWC includes:

PLUS: Introduction by former U.S. ambassador to Poland R.T.Davies.

This publication should be considered as a document, the list of activists of the movement, too. Actual contact addresses of "WiP" can be found in GB.

It can be obtained at $6.95 from:

World Without War Council
2929 NE Blakeley Street
Seattle, WA 98105

Other WWWC publications:
GB No. 5-6, summer-fall 1991 | Contents