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Jan Haverkamp
Vostrovsk 13
CZ - 160 00 Praha
Czech Republic
tel: +420.2.24319779
e-mail: janh@ecn.cz

ICO: 6645 9826

Prague, 18 April 1998

Dear people from Zielony Bigady!

I want to express my support for the efforts of The Publishing House "Green Brigades". I find theactivities of The Publishing House very helpful for the Polish ecological movement as well as for foreign organizations co-operating with Polish ecological groups, like the Czech computernetwork Econnect, for which I work. The Publishing House "Green Brigades" has a long history and has had an important influence on the development of civil society and the 3rd sector in Poland and other countries of Eastern Europe. In these times, where civic initiative is decreasing because of economic struggle, I think initiatives like the "Green Brigades" play an important role to secure the continuity of development of a civic sector. I hope that "Green Brigades" will be able to improve its work and to make its voice louder!

With greetings,

Jan Haverkamp

[ Wstecz ]

"Zielone Brygady" | Biblioteka "Zielonych Brygad" | Inne publikacje | Wirtualna księgarnia ]
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Wydawnictwo "Zielone Brygady"
Eldonejo "Verdaj Brigadoj" - Publishing House "Green Brigades"