Polski Klub Ekologiczny - Okręg Mazowiecki 
(Krzywickiego 9 VIIp., 02-078 Warszawa) posiada 
przygotowany przez Europejskie Biuro Koordynacji Friends 
of the Earth zeszyt "Clearinghouse on biotechnology". 
Zeszyt zawiera następuj±ce artykuły i kopie dokumentów: 
1. Draft Proposal for a Council Regulation on Novel Foods 
and Novel Foods Ingredients: 11th version. 
2. Labelling of Genetically Engineered Food Products (1), 
by Foundation Consumer and Biotechnology, the 
Netherlands; a discussion paper. 
3. Labelling of Genetically Engineered Food Products (2), 
by Foundation Consumer and Biotechnology, the 
Netherlands; a discussion Paper. 
4. Comments on OECD "Report on the concepts and 
principles underpinning safety evaluations of food 
derived from modern biotechnology", by Ion Rullmann, the 
5. Article from Agency Europe on the April 9th 1992 
Plenary Session of the European Parliament on the 
proposed patent-directive. 
6. Language is a virus; Discourse and the Politics and 
Public Policy of Biotechnology, by Peter Loge, department 
of Political Science Arizona State University. An 
analysis of the language used by proponents and critics 
in the debate on biotechnology. 
7. Pepsico for Peace? The ecological and political risks 
of the biotechnology revolution, from "The Violence of 
the Green Revolution", by Vandana Shiva, Third World 
Network, 1991, ZED Books Ltd, London. 
8. Biotechnology and the interchangeability of vegetable 
oils, by Piet Schenkelaars. Contribution to the Dutch 
Young Farmers Contact (NAJK) Workshop, March 24th 1992, 
9. Review of EC-BAP Achievements on Risk Assessment for 
the period 1985-1990, by Piet Schenkelaars. 
10. BRIDGE research projects into biosafety, ed. by B. 
Nieuwenhuis, EC-Commission DG-XII. 
11. Open letter to the Swiss Bundesrat to forbid release 
experiments with transgenic, potyvirus Y-resistant 
potatoes, by Florianne Koechlin, Greenpeace Switzerland 
and Basler Appell gegen Gentechnologie. 
     Osoby zainteresowane mog± skorzystać z informacji na 
Krzysztof Kamieniecki